label generator

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This label generator creates fast and easy label files for age classification of your website (domain / FQDN).

The label generator generates labels for websites (FQDN) with one age rating for the entire website. FQDN are domains ( or subdomains (, It is also possible to make individual age ratings per single page of your website.

Label generator creates automatically and free of charge:

info about labels
Info: age.xml is the international label format for websites, age-de.xml applies only to Germany. On request other countries can get individual age-xx.xml files with different age ratings. MIRACLE is an international format for interoperable age classification data. If need to label single pages of your website with different age ratings youll get information how to do so on'

For which domain would you like to create age labels?

Please provide domain/FQDN (usually in format **) or you can provide just a subdomain like*

Please enter domains/FQDN, usually with *. at the beginning and / * at the end to match with/without www and to cover all subdomains. You can also provide a specific subdomain like But no leading http: //, please. You can add more domains linking to the same website following the same structure.

Age rating of your webseite?

Provide the highest age rating to be found on your website, please.

You can ask a rating body, a lawyer or you might use the online questionnaire provided by the German self-regulation body FSM (also in English) .

MIRACLE upload

Do you have a MIRACLE file? You can upload a miracle.xml here and all data will be used for this questionnaire.

MIRACLE is an international format for the interoperability of age rating data. If you already have a MIRACLE file for your site, you can upload it here. Information:

What kind of content is the age rating based on?

What content was the reason for the age rating?

Provide only content and feature descriptors which were a reason for the age rating please

Descriptors are optional. They may help Parental Control Systems to provide better filtering and inform parents and their kids about the reason behind your age rating.

Content and Feature Descriptors

Some Parental Control Systems (PCS) and the MIRACLE file use descriptors are in addition to the age rating. You can optionally add this content and feature descriptors here.

Do you need country specific age rating?

Age rating is usually valid worldwide. If needed you can also provide individual age ratings for specific countries or regions.

Provide country or region specific age ratings

Country specific age ratings
Is your age rating valid for the world? If you want to set different age ratings for certain countries, you can do so here. In this case country-specific age-xx.xml files will be automatically generated for download. An age-de.xml will always be generated.

Who provided the age rating?

Enter here who has made the decision about the age rating, e.g. a rating body, a lawyer or yourself.

If you yourself or a lawyer decided about the age rating you might enter the domain or your company name. Enter a maximum of 50 characters and avoid special characters, please. Do not reference official institutions if they have not provided the age rating. This avoids trouble with these institutions.

Where should minors be redirected to if the requested website is not suitable for their age?

Usually a standard blocking page is shown by Parental Control Systems if the requested website is not allowed for minors. But you can provide an alternative URL.

Standard blocking page of Parental Control System

Provide redirection URLs with http://, it may be any website. But make sure the target URL is allowed for kids. As many Parental Control Systems block unknown websites for minors under 12 years, it makes sense to have an age.xml with the age set to e.g. 0 years on the alternative website.
A blocking page is shown to minors if the requested website is not suitable for them. Most Parental Control Systems provide blocking pages with kid-friendly links or a kids search engine on it.

Specific URLs for redirection per country might be provided here

You might provide specific URLs per country to which minors should be redirected if the requested website is blocked.

You can provide specific kids-friendly URLs for certain countries or regions. If you do so the label generator will create country specific age-xx.xml files for these countries. Please upload all of these files to the root of your webserver.

Age Rating of single pages

Usually the label generator creates age.xml files with one age rating for the entire website. But you can also provide individual age ratings per single page of your website.

To use age rating for single pages you have to provide an age rating for every individual page of your website. This information must be made available for Parental Control Systems. There are different solutions for this e.g. HTTPHEADER or HTML meta tags. For more information see

To make age rating for single pages work you need to install a function in your content management system (CMS) which technical provides the information about age rating to Parental Control Systems. Or for smaller websites you might do this by hand.

Using this label generator you have the following choices to install single page rating:

If you want to use HTTPHEADER labeling check the box, please:

On every single page you must provide age rating in this format (example for content suitable from 12 years):


Hint: It is also possible to provide individual age ratings per single page and per country. For details see

If you want to use HTMLMETA labeling check the box, please:

On every single page you must provide age rating in this format (example for content suitable from 16 years):

'<meta name="age-meta-label" content="age=16" />'

Hint: It is also possible to provide individual age ratings per single page and per country. For details see

Hint: The age rating you already provided for the entire webpage above in this questionnaire will be used as default age. This default age rating is valid in case a single page does not provide the age or Parental Control Systems can not technical read it.